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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Meet Vincent Kale...Wait, That's Me!

Recently, I did a short interview with Michael Wilson, editor of ReadHorror about my background and my debut horror-novel, Crawl. I figured it would be a nice chance to get some exposure, market the book and broaden my support base. What I didn't expect was to learn a few things! What did I learn, you ask?

- There are some awesome horror authors out there, like Eric S. Brown
and Dave Jeffrey, among others. Check them out!

- I really need to invest some money in a cover the next time around, maybe even for a re-release of Crawl. While Lulu's basic templates are okay for beta copies, they're a bit too generic to grab a reader's attention. Check out Bigfoot War and The Viking Dead. While it might not be everyone's cup o' tea, those covers show you what you're in for!

- If I want to be a horror writer, I should probably get a scarier picture. I mean, look at that mug! Who's going to be afraid of that? I should have a picture that makes old ladies clutch at their MedAlert buttons when they see it!

Well, while I'm busy getting to work on the above topics, go check out my interview and others at ReadHorror! Then, you should probably 'like' the Facebook page and follow them on Twitter, because that's what you do in this day and age.


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