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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

News! Bigger News! BIGGEREST NEWS!

Happy 2011!
(Maybe you've caught on by now that I'm not the most timeliest of people...)

So what is all this news, you ask? Well first and foremost, I am alive and well and still writing. That's item #1. But now that THAT'S out of the way...

Some of you may remember that I participated in National Novel Writing Month and I not only survived it, but I actually enjoy what came out of it! "Indigo" is still in the rough stages, but I have finished my first read through and am anxious to get the red ink flowing across those pristine pages. That's the medium-sized news. Are you ready for the really, really good stuff???

"Crawl" is finally available for purchase! ::deep sigh of relief:: I've been tweaking this story for years now but I finally feel comfortable putting it out there for common consumption. The best part is, you have 3 choices on how to read it!

First, for you old fashioned people who need to hold an actual book in your hands, you can have your very own copy of "Crawl" for the low, low price of $9.99! (plus S/H). Believe me when I say that I made this as cheap as my OCD would allow. (Who charges $8.37 for anything??)

For those of you who would rather save a few bones and do away with primitive shipping charges altogether, there is a downloadable/PDF/e-version available from Lulu as well! It will set you back $2.99 and cost you absolutely zero in S/H! I'd recommend this version for those of you who read on iPads or other eReaders. UNLESS you happen to have a Kindle! Which brings me to...

This fella here! Competitively priced at $2.99, the Kindle version of "Crawl" features all the creepiness of the paperback edition, delivered via Amazon's whispernet. (I've checked it out and there are some minor formatting issues, but nothing too distracting.)

Well, there you have it! My biggest news so far in 2011! Any and all feedback is appreciated. If you have difficulties purchasing anything, please let me know!

So go grab a copy of "Crawl" and while you do, I'll be working on getting the next project ready for release!

Be gentle or be brutal, I can take it!



Unknown said...

Cant wait to read it!

Jamie Manning said...

Congrats on all your news...huge accomplishment publishing a book!

I just downloaded the ecopy for my Nook, so I'll do a review on my blog when I'm done reading!

Vincent Kale said...

Marisa - Be sure to let me know what you think! :)

Jamie - That's awesome, and thanks so much!

Hope you both like it!
::fingers crossed::