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Monday, June 6, 2011

All the News that's Fit to Review!

Perhaps you missed my review of David Moody's "Hater" last week or when I mentioned that I'd be reviewing Alexander S. Brown's short story collection "Traumatized." Well that's ok, cuz I just reminded you!

And while I consider myself pretty awful at reviewing other people's work in a concise and coherent manner, I do ever so love reading about what people think of my own work. Case in point, Theresa Derwin's review of "Crawl" over at Terror Tree. Check it out here!

To give you a taste, Ms. Derwin says, and I quote, "This is an unrelentingly dark novel that left me disturbed in a positive way but so much better for having read it. If you want something that goes deeper into the nightmare, then Crawl is the book for you."

I'm unrelenting! NICE!

I'd personally like to thank Ms. Derwin for the review and I encourage everyone to check out her own work at Terror Tree!


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